The History Of Mulletfest
How it all came about!
One sunny afternoon at a local footy game in 2017, Sara saw a guy with a mullet and it brought to mind a friend, JJ, who has had a mullet for as long as she has known him. Knowing how people can be about their ‘style’ Sara wondered out loud to her friend Emily, “Do guys compare their mullets?”.
This simple question sparked the idea for a mullet competition.
Fate stepped in when Laura, (JJ's wife, who formally owned the Chelmsford Hotel Kurri Kurri), explained to the girls that she was looking for a way to help support the town and it's economy. Laura asked the girls to brainstorm ideas for an event, once they mentioned the idea of a mullet competition Laura was all in, knowing exactly how to make the event happen. With her sheer determination and positive and creative attitude Mulletfest was born.
The first event was planned for February 2018 and the team set up everything they thought they needed to make it happen. Registrations slowly trickled in until Melinda Murray from PSM Publicity joined the team and BOOM! Word spread like wildfire...and Mulletfest was being talked about around the world.
Mulletfest 2018 ended up with over 150 entrants and media coverage nation-wide , as well as in Russia, the UK, Croatia and many more countries. It was clear from this fantastic worldwide reaction that Mulletfest should continue in 2019, and so the Mulletfest crew have committed to keeping the event going to help raise funds for charities close to their hearts.
Post Covid our Mulletfest Crew are coming to a town near you to share the Mullet Love and the runaway success and fun that is Mulletfest On Tour!